June 19, 2024
Dear Resident,
I am writing to provide you an update on the proposal for a land lease for a non-profit Somali Centre for Culture and Recreation on three acres of Buttonwood Park.
Since my communication and request for your input last week, I have received tremendous feedback which speaks to the civic engagement of our community and our passion for cherished park spaces.
I have received hundreds of individual emails and phone calls, and had countless conversations with residents and local leaders. Although there has been a range of feedback and questions, I may report four substantive themes which were conveyed to the Mayor and Executive Committee on June 18:
1. Clear direction not to develop Buttonwood Park with this proposal
2. Grievous concern with the City’s process including the lack of transparency or advance community consultation
3. Broader public policy concerns with the conversion or disposal of established community park spaces and amenities, and questions about precedent and fairness
4. Recognition by the community of the ongoing work of the Somali Centre for Culture and Recreation organization which would be better served by another location
I may report to you that after a lengthy period of public deputations on this matter at the Executive Committee, Mayor Chow addressed the meeting room to recognize the concerns raised about the location and the process. The following motion was then passed by the committee unanimously:
That consideration of the item be deferred until the July 16, 2024 meeting of the Executive Committee to allow for further consultation and consideration regarding the Somali Centre for Culture and Recreation with the local community, Somali community and City staff.
This motion means that the lease was not approved and not advanced to Council, and that it will be considered once again in July after a period of additional work which includes consultation and consideration.
What will transpire over the next four weeks is not clear yet, and I remain committed to keeping you updated as the situation evolves, including any opportunities for consultation.
I wish to thank everyone for seizing the moment and taking the time to provide your feedback in the short window available, and for participating in a petition, writing letters, making calls and for addressing the committee directly. I am appreciative that the Mayor and Executive Committee received your collective feedback and have taken a concrete step to acknowledge and address what has been conveyed to them from our community.
Stephen Holyday Councillor, Ward 2 Etobicoke Centre